Industry standard for custom integrated circuit schematic and
layout tools. Tools are available to universities at a lower cost.
Synopsys University Program
Industry standard for logic synthesis. Tools are available to universities at a lower cost.
Mentor Graphics Higher Ed Program
Another major integrated circuit tool vendor.MicroMagic
Commercial layout (Max) and schematic (Sue) tools available free to universities.
VLSI tools. List
price is lower than Cadence, but university price is still substantial.
Free, commercial quality SPICE simulator.
Free, commercial quality SPICE simulator.
ModelSim Student Edition
Free, commercial quality Verilog/VHDL simulator, limited to 10,000 lines of code.
schematic and layout editor.
Free layout editor. Dated but still usable. Superseded by Max from MicroMagic.
Free layout editor. Dated but still usable. Superseded by Max from MicroMagic.
Free switch-level
simulator, works well with Magic.